Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions

Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions 

  1. Introduction 

These Terms and Condi.ons govern the par.cipa.on in the Forex RR Affiliate Program (the  “Program”) offered by [RR Group] (“we”, “us”, “our”). By signing up for the Program, you  (“Affiliate”, “you”, “your”) agree to comply with these Terms and Condi.ons. 

  1. Enrollment in the Program 
  • To enroll in the Program, you must complete and submit the online applica.on form. We reserve the right to accept or reject any applica.on at our sole discre.on. 
  1. Affiliate Responsibilities 
  • Promo3on: You will promote our Forex Signals service using your unique affiliate link. Compliance: You must comply with all applicable laws and regula.ons. You must not  engage in any misleading or prac.ces. 
  • Content: You may use our materials but must not alter them without our  permission. You must not promote our service on websites or plaQorms that contain  inappropriate content. 
  1. Commissions 
  • Commission Rates
  • 30% commission for the first 20 customers you refer. 
  • 40% commission for each addi.onal customer aXer the first 20. 
  • Recurring Payments: You will receive a commission for each month that the referred  customer remains subscribed to our service. 
  • Tracking: Commissions are tracked through the use of cookies. If a customer clears  their cookies or uses a different device, the referral may not be tracked. 
  1. Payments 
  • Schedule: Commissions are paid on request, within 14 days.  
  • Minimum Payout: There is a minimum payout threshold of 100€. If your commission  earnings do not reach this threshold, the amount will roll over to the next month. Method: Payments are made via bank transfer. You are responsible for any fees  associated with receiving payments. 
  1. Term and Termina3on 
  • Term: These Terms and Condi.ons will begin upon your acceptance into the Program  and will con.nue un.l terminated. 
  • Termina3on by You: You may terminate your par.cipa.on in the Program at any .me  by no.fying us in 
  • Termina3on by Us: We reserve the right to terminate your par.cipa.on in the  Program at any .me, with or without cause. Reasons for termina.on may include, but  are not limited to, viola.on of these Terms and Condi.ons or any fraudulent or illegal  ac.vity. 
  • Effect of Termina3on: Upon termina.on, you will no longer earn commissions for  referrals, and you must immediately cease using all materials and remove  any references to our service from your plaQorms.
  1. Intellectual Property 
  • License: We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use our  trademarks, logos, and materials solely for the purpose of our  service. 
  • Restric3ons: You may not modify our trademarks, logos, or materials  without our prior wri^en consent. 
  1. Confidentiality 
  • You agree to keep any and all informa.on related to our business,  customers, and the Program that is not publicly available. 
  1. Limitation of Liability 
  • We will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or damages  arising in connec.on with the Program or these Terms and Condi.ons. 
  1. Indemnification 
  • You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Forex RR, its officers, directors,  employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, damages,, costs,  and expenses arising out of or related to your par.cipa.on in the Program or any  breach of these Terms and Condi.ons. 
  1. Modification 
  • We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Condi.ons at any .me. Your  con.nued par.cipa.on in the Program will cons.tute acceptance of the modified  terms. 
  1. Governing Law 
  • These Terms and Condi.ons will be governed by and construed in accordance with  the laws of Poland. 
  1. Miscellaneous 
  • Enre Agreement: These Terms and Condi.ons cons.tute the agreement  between you and us regarding the Program. 
  • Severability: If any provision of these Terms and Condi.ons is found to be invalid or  unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. Waiver: Our failure to enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Condi.ons  will not cons.tute a waiver of such right or provision. 

By signing up and in the Affiliate Program, you acknowledge that you have read,  understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Condi.ons. 

Contact Us: If you have any ques.ons about these Terms and Condi.ons, please contact us at 

We look forward to a successful partnership.


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